I have been assigned the task of drafting an article about the intensity of these days when you are watching us from heaven, but I purposely choose to go off track, because now the real theme will be written by you, my beloved Father.
It's paradoxical, but the joy of having you by our side, no longer constrained by physicality, warms the heart and the awareness of feeling more accompanied than ever.
I've always said: "I am a spoiled little girl". You have always regaled me with words, teachings, encouragements, dedication, urgencies. You did it with everyone, without sparing any effort! I stuttered with life when speaking about God and you always made me feel like a princess; in fragility, you were terribly tender and invariably reassuring with your fatherhood, able to overcome and heal each and every one of my sneakiest limits.
And now I should tremble at the thought that this little girl is left without her dad. Yet my heart cries out that it cannot be so! We are not alone anymore, dearest Father! Now it's mainly your turn to intervene even more with your holiness and your intercession in our lives, our stories, our work, our projects, our desires, our families, our beautiful and less beautiful environments. Finally, we can go together, reach everywhere to bring together hope for recovery, certainty of victory, trust in the love of God.
You were a Father so present in the personal vicissitudes of everyone that you can now breathe a sigh of relief and say: "Father, this was that poor woman I was telling you about; this is the situation I was crying with you about; this is that project for which I asked you to pray". In other words, Father, we will now make you work even more and I am convinced that you will not back away; on the other hand, you lived for us, you were rooting for everyone's happiness and everyone's smile.
What a beautiful theme you will write again, Father! The pages on which to do it are ready: our life. We entrust them to you, convinced that from now on everything will be even more beautiful and exciting. We have a strong and safe ally in whom to keep burying our faces every time we cry, with whom to keep laughing heartily when we need healthy joy, for whom to feel sent to serve the suffering of those who are in need and in pain.
Father, we want to be your pride, without losing anything you have generously given us. And I am convinced that you will continue doing everything. So no brakes to the good that awaits us. Let's move forward, as you have always taught us to do.
Now more than ever is your and our moment.
We love you so much, beautiful Father. Now that "I love you, so much!" we will repeat to each other more often and it will be the incitement not to spoil anything of the beauty that you have been for us!